Our basic contract for training services

K9 Dragon Factory aka Brian Anderson




This Dog Training Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into as of date ______, betweenK9 Dragon Factory ("Trainer") and [Client's Name] ("Client") for the purpose of providing basic obedience and puppy foundation training for the dog named [Dog's Name] ("Dog").

1. Training Services: All training is done using a thoughtful balanced training approach

Trainer agrees to provide basic obedience and puppy foundation training to Dog as follows:

a) Basic Obedience Training:

- Sit: Dog will be trained to sit on verbal cue.

- Down: Dog will be trained to lie down on verbal cue.

- Stay: Dog will be trained to remain in position on verbal cue with minimal distraction

- Recall on Leash: Dog will be trained to come back to the Client on verbal cue while on a leash.

b) Training Sessions:

The training will be conducted through up to 4-5 individual training sessions, per day, each lasting approximately 30 min per session.

2. Training Fee:

Client agrees to pay Trainer the total sum of [amount] for the entire training program. Payment shall be made in full before the commencement of the first training session.

3. Training Location:

The training sessions will take place at K9 Dragon Factory or any other location agreed upon by both parties.

4. Client's Responsibilities:

Client agrees to:

a) Provide truthful and accurate information about Dog's medical history, behavior, and any past training.

b) Ensure Dog is up-to-date on all necessary vaccinations and has no contagious diseases.

c) Supervise Dog when not in training and take necessary precautions to prevent any harm or injury.

d) Commit to practicing the training techniques and commands taught during the sessions consistently.

5. Disclaimer:

a) Dog Training Limitations: The Client understands and acknowledges that while the Trainer will use best efforts to train Dog in basic obedience and puppy foundation, the success of training is dependent on factors such as Dog's age, breed, temperament, health, and consistency of Client's follow-up training at home.

b) Liability Limitation: The Trainer shall not be held liable for any injury, damage, or harm caused by Dog during or after the training sessions. Client agrees to indemnify and hold Trainer harmless against any claims, liabilities, and expenses arising from Dog's actions.

c) No Guarantees: The Trainer cannot guarantee that Dog will achieve specific results or behaviors, as individual results may vary.

6. Termination:

Either party may terminate this Contract in writing for any reason with a 7-day notice. If the Client terminates the Contract, there will be no refund for any remaining training sessions.

7. Governing Law:

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of State Of Louisiana, without regard to its conflicts of law principles.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Dog Training Contract as of the date first above written.

K9 Dragon Factory (Trainer) [Client's Name] (Client)

Signature: _______________________________ Signature: _______________________________

Date: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________

I provide this copy of my contract for the clients review and understanding. Transparency in our work and in our process is key to success.